Inclusion: Equality and Diversity
How does Verulam promote equality of opportunity so that all pupils can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique?
Within the curriculum, subject leaders work hard to take every opportunity to discuss and explore the nine protected characteristics (plus our own tenth one: social class). Our PSHE curriculum strongly reflects the SMSC guidelines, however, we go beyond this by dedicating two of our three Curriculum Enrichment Days to delving further into these areas. This is done with equality and diversity in mind to promote individuality and cohesion within society.
We are a school for all types of individuals, and we celebrate all of our unique identities. We ensure our students have a voice and know they have a voice, through our termly focus groups and weekly student voice panels which allow students to flag issues and actions which can then be implemented where appropriate. Our students are encouraged to think deeply and develop a strong moral compass and take part in these discussion groups in a respectful, mature and reflective manner.
Our RE curriculum at GCSE has been changed to cover Islam instead of Judaism following pupil voice feedback. In addition, we will shortly be launching a new Faith Calendar led by our Director of Social Sciences and Philosophy and Ethics. This will give balance to the Faith events celebrated across the school.
We also operate an inclusive Sixth Form dress code that allows students to wear religious or cultural dress, should they wish to.
- Assemblies Linked to our assembly programme, we also have a range of speakers into the school to present on societal issues. For example, Stuart Lawrence on the impact of racism, Dr Mark Prince OBE on knife crime, Survivors UK on sexual violence and harassment, Andrew Bernard on Domestic Violence and Toxic Relationships, Leo Powell on County Lines to name but a few!
- Engaging minds
- PSHE curriculum
- RE curriculum