Student Services & Student Reception
Student Services is now located in the upstairs of the Inclusion Hub (the House). Students who arrive late, or need to leave before the end of the day, should sign in and out here at Main Reception. This includes Sixth Form students.
Lost property
All property brought into school must be clearly labelled. If a student loses anything they should go to Student Services. If a named item is handed in, we will return it to the student during the school day. If an unnamed item is handed in, it is logged and kept for 2 weeks and then put in either the 2nd hand uniform shop or disposed of.
A small stock of 2nd hand uniform is kept at Student Services for students to purchase if required, the remainder is given to Verulam PTA and sold at the 2nd Hand Uniform sale which takes place between 10.30am-11.30am on the first Saturday of every month in the school canteen.
School shop
Essential items of stationery are also available for purchase from the Student Services shop.