About Verulam Sixth Form
The Sixth Form aims not only to give students a first class academic education but to ensure that they emerge as confident and articulate young people who can succeed at university and in the workplace. Our students are highly successful in gaining university offers and now secure places at the best universities in the country including Oxford, Cambridge and the Russell group.
We have a reputation as a caring, nurturing and successful Post 16 community. Building on the values of the whole school, EXCELLENCE, CHARACTER, RESPECT every student develops their individual character, self-respect and respect for others in addition to receiving excellence in learning.
We want our young men and women to develop as independent, well prepared and confident individuals ready to face the challenges of life and to give them the best possible opportunity to achieve academic success.
In our Sixth Form, students will benefit from:
- A diverse and stimulating range of courses.
- A highly qualified and dedicated team of pastoral and academic staff.
- A modern, dedicated study and social environment in the Sixth Form Centre.
- A full range of Community Service opportunities through our extensive extra-curricular programme.
Ultimately success at Verulam Sixth Form is achieved through the partnership of the student, staff and parents/carers working together.
Any academic issues should be queried with the subject teacher or faculty leader. Equally, any pastoral issues should be forwarded to the form tutor in the first instance.
Parents and carers will receive regular reviews and consultations on their son/daughter’s progress throughout the school year.
Sixth Form Staff
Verulam Sixth Form staff are dedicated educational professionals who combine a thorough knowledge of their subjects with a mission to help students perform their best. Our teaching staff are highly skilled in methods that build both a greater understanding and stronger exam performance.
Director of Sixth Form
Mr Stephen Base
Deputy Director of Sixth Form
Mr David Bint
Mr Ryan Lewis
Pastoral Team
Our Sixth Form students are supported by our Student Welfare Manager, Mrs Moss and our Director of SEND, Miss Hart to ensure students are not only looked after academically but from a well-being perspective as well. We also have a dedicated Sixth Form Counsellor who comes in every week.
All Forms are led by experienced Form Tutors who stay with their Form throughout their time in Sixth Form.
Sixth Form Facilities
The dedicated Sixth Form Centre is open to students from 7:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. It has 2 large areas in which Sixth Formers can study when not in lessons.
The first is a Social Study area and the second is a completely Silent Individual Study area. The Sixth form team: Mr Base, Mr Bint, Mrs Smith, Mrs Myers and Mrs Fry are on hand to supervise and support the students.
The Sixth Form centre has it’s own cafĂ© which is open from 8am until 2.30pm and serves coffee, hot chocolate, tea, smoothies and a wide variety of hot food, sandwiches, fruit and puddings. This gives our Sixth Formers access to delicious, healthy lunches and snacks throughout the day. The Sixth Form Centre also houses a newly refurbished Social Area in which to eat and take a break from studying. Food is prepared on-site from scratch with a substantial main meal on offer every day plus vegetarian and vegan options.
Sixth Form Dress Code
Sixth Form students at Verulam are expected to be role models for the rest of the school. The dress code has been designed to promote inclusivity, as well as professionalism. We encourage all students to exercise good judgement.
The following outlines the expectations of all Sixth Form students when attending lessons at Verulam.
Students should:
- Ensure they are wearing smart, professional attire, which includes suits, trousers, dresses or appropriate skirts, collared shirts, ties, blouses, tailored shorts, sweaters and cultural or religious dress.
- Not wear inappropriate attire (both clothing and footwear) – sportswear, beachwear, jeans or unkempt clothing and shoes.
- Not wear anything that could offend others or make them feel uncomfortable. This includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Likewise, midriffs should not be exposed, nor should any transparent fabrics be worn.
- Show common sense and professionalism in their clothing choices.
- Only wear Sixth Form Leavers’ Hoodies from the end of the spring term in Year 13.
- Remove outdoor coats once inside the school building.
- Bring in appropriate clothing to change into for any practical lessons.
- Wear their lanyards at all times when on site to ensure the safeguarding of all students. Students without lanyards will not be admitted onto the school site.
Any issues with Sixth Form dress will be referred to the KS5 Leadership Team who will make final decisions regarding dress or the need to change.
How to be Successful
- Attendance = 98%+
- Use of study sessions and completion of homework /prep
- Being well organised in terms of time (study, social, part-time work)- meet deadlines
- Ensure a weekly work plan is established – plan backwards
- Completing any coursework to the highest possible standards
- Asking for advice/help and acting upon it
- Communication with parents – tutors
Additional School Support
- Student services
- Regular assessments
- Detailed assessment/feedback
- Parental consultation evenings
- Academic mentoring – dedicated tutor team
- Supervised study
- Career and higher education guidance
- UCAS and Apprenticeships support and guidance
Part Time Work
Getting the balance right is important. We recommend that students do no more than 10 hours per week. More than 10 hours per week can drop your grades from BBB to CCD.