Equipped for Learning
Pupils can only make good progress and enjoy school if they have the correct equipment to use in both lessons and homework.
We therefore ask all parents to ensure their sons are fully equipped for school and that boys check this equipment is correct before school each day.
Students should check:
- Google Guardians for any tasks that are due
- Whether any games or PE kit is required for the next day
- That they have all the books needed for the next day’s lessons and that any work due is completed
- To ensure equipment is ready for the next day
Learning Equipment Required:
- A Chromebook, laptop or tablet device that is fully charged
- A named, robust and spacious bag such as a rucksack. Small, fashionable, ‘man bags’ are not fit for this purpose. The bag should be able to contain both sports kit plus all the text and exercise books required for a day’s learning.
- Transparent pencil case
- Black or blue pens for writing – pupils should use the pen that helps them write in the clearest and neatest fashion
- HB Graphite pencils and rubber
- Colouring pencils
- Highlighter pens
- Red and green biros
- Glue stick
- Small scissors
- A clear rigid 30cm ruler
- Scientific calculator – Casio or similar are recommended
- Maths set, including a protractor, pair of compasses and a set square
Pupils are also expected to carry their SMART card and to have a private reading book with them at all times.
Many parents find it beneficial to keep duplicate learning equipment kit at home.
Lost Property
All items should be named, this enables us to reunite students with their lost property. Lost property is kept in Student Reception and students should use break and lunchtimes to relocate any lost items.
During P.E. and Games sessions, boys should not bring valuables.
Mobile Phone and Other Devices
Years 7-11
- Mobile phones must be switched off at all times during the school day, including break and lunchtimes, and remain off whilst students are on the school premises. It is not acceptable for phones merely to be put on silent
- Mobile phones must be stored in a student’s locker throughout the day and not kept on their person.
Years 12-13
- Mobile phones must be on silent at all times during the school day, including break and lunchtimes.
- Mobile phones may be used within the Sixth Form Centre