Head’s News – 10th January
Pupil, Parent and Staff Surveys
This half term all the schools across the AAT will be conducting a survey of pupil, parent and staff views to help our development. We have employed Kirkland Rowell, a leading independent survey company, to run the surveys which are anonymous and cover all aspects of school life.
Pupils will be the first to take part in the survey which will be issued to them on Friday 17th January. Form tutors will be collecting surveys during the week of 20th January with a deadline for final return being Friday 24th January. Completion of the survey will be set on ShowMyHomeWork for the weekend of 18th and 19th January and I would be grateful if you could encourage your son/daughter to complete the survey at home over that weekend.
Parents will have the opportunity to give us their views when we send their copy of the survey home via their son/daughter on Monday 27th January. The parental deadline for replies is Wednesday 12th February.
Staff will be completing an online survey on Friday 14th February.
Balloon Debate
Our female icon balloon debate at the end of last term was a great success and very enjoyable. The successful icons in each year group were as follows:
Year 7 – Marie Curie
Year 8 – Greta Thunberg
Year 9 – Michelle Obama
Year 10 – Rosa Parks
Year 11 – Tanni Grey-Thompson
Sixth Form Open Evening
We are delighted to invite you to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 15th January. The evening will start with refreshments from 6:45pm in our Sixth Form Centre, followed by subject presentations and a short talk from Mr Ramsey. This is a great opportunity to come and find out more about our Sixth Form, the courses we offer and what makes Verulam a fantastic place to continue your education. If you would like any further information please contact Mrs Amanda Harding, Amanda.Harding@verulam.herts.sch.uk
Headmaster’s commendation
This week’s HM commendations go to Orson Gacek Campos and Emir Johnston for their outstanding A Level Art work.
Well done boys.
P A Ramsey