Cultural Appreciation
It is our aim to provide a culturally rich experience for ALL our students. In one academic year we have run the following trips:
Year 7
- Trip to the Museum of London (open to the whole year group)
- Residential Trip to the Lake District (all are actively encouraged to go)
Year 8
- PGL outdoor adventure trip
- Trip to British Museum (Open to the whole year group)
- Shakespeare in Action workshop for whole year group
Year 9
- Visit to the St Albans Museum with bespoke introduction to the legal system at the historic law court in the museum (open to the whole of the year group over the course of the year)
- Theatre group in school: ‘Gothic literature workshop’ for the whole year group
- Residential Trip to Berlin (Students may opt for one residential trip – either outdoor pursuits or Berlin)
- Residential Trip: Blue Peris outdoor adventure week
Years 10 and 11
- Theatre trip to see a performance of ‘An Inspector Calls’ (open to all)
Year 10
- Residential trip to Spain (open to all)
Year 11
- Residential trip to Belgium
Year 12
- Residential Trip: Blue Peris outdoor adventure week (open to all)
- Social Science trip to New York (open to Social Sciences A’ Level Students)
Annual Ski Trip during February half term: Open to all from Years 8-11.
Cultural Appreciation extends beyond trips at Verulam. We also dedicate one of our three Curriculum Enrichment Days to World Faiths. This day includes a multifaith panel of guest speakers. The panel consists of representatives from:
- Humanists UK
- Mitzvah Day
- St Albans Islamic Centre
- Watford Velmurugan Trust (Hinduism)
- RKUK Rissho Kosei-kai of the UK (Buddhism)
In addition, assemblies such as Black History month, also promote cultural appreciation which is then supported through the library and reading. This is also a thread in our literacy programme for form time.