Head’s News – 15 November
School Election
The school will be holding a mock election on Thursday 12th December . We hope to field candidates from all the main parties and organise an electronic ballot.
Please do encourage your son or daughter to take part in this event and to follow news of the general election on the news and in newspapers as it is an invaluable part of their education.
Road and Cycling Safety
As all parents are aware, the roads surrounding Verulam School can be very dangerous. Only this week, two Year 6 girls were hit by a car on Brampton Road. Fortunately they were not hurt as they were only dealt a glancing blow.
Our neighbouring roads are very narrow and often congested with parked cars and other traffic. This means that sight lines for both pedestrians and drivers can be restricted, thus increasing the risk of accidents. I would, therefore, ask that parents adopt the following practice if they need to drive their son or daughter to/from school:
- Please drive at no more than 20 mph in the vicinity of the school.
- Be aware of the potential for young people to step out from behind parked cars.
- If at all possible, arrange a pick up or drop off point away from the school.
Could I also take this opportunity to remind parents that parking on the yellow lines outside the school and in particular the junction of Brampton and Sandfield Road is highly dangerous.
Calendar 20/21
The calendar for the academic year 2020/2021 can be found here: Verulam Term Dates
Parents might wish to note the one change which is a long weekend in November.