School Uniform Policy
General Appearance
With the complete support of our parents and the co-operation of the students themselves, the uniform standard maintained at Verulam School is excellent. In the Sixth Form, uniform regulations are relaxed somewhat but we still require students to wear clothes which would be acceptable in a professional environment.
In Spring 2022, we conducted a stakeholder review into our branded items of uniform. Following feedback from parents, we have reduced the number of branded items required for our students.
School Uniform Year 7 -11
- Navy Blue Blazer with badge (required and purchased from Stevensons or Beat)
- Black trousers of conventional cut (required but not from a specific retailer)
- White shirt – long or short sleeved (required but not from a specific retailer)
- House tie – Blue for Brampton House, Red for Churchill, Green for Hamilton, Purple for Jennings, Gold for Park and Silver for York (required and purchased from Stevensons or Beat)
- Grey V-necked pullover (required but not from a specific retailer)
- Black shoes (required but not from a specific retailer – sports footwear is not appropriate).
- Dark grey or black socks (required but not from a specific retailer)
- No jewellery is permitted except from one stud in each ear
Uniform should be worn correctly at all times, in school and to and from school. Shirts should be tucked in, top buttons fastened and ties worn correctly showing a shield and two stripes.
Coats, Sweatshirts, Hooded Jumpers & Trainers
Coats can be worn at lunchtime in outside areas only. They should not be worn on transition to lessons.
Hooded jumpers and sweatshirts are not a part of school uniform and should not be worn at any time.
At the end of the spring term Year 11 and 13 pupils will have the opportunity to purchase a Verulam School Leavers’ Hooded Top. Students who purchase this top will be able to wear this on site once issued at the start of the summer term and for examinations.
PE/Games Kit
To be equipped for P.E. lessons boys should bring the following items:
- P.E. Shirt – navy with school crest (required and purchased from Stevensons or Beat)
- Games/rugby shirt – navy with school crest (required for Winter games and purchased from Stevensons or Beat)
- P.E. Shorts – navy (required but not from a specific retailer)
- Football socks – white with yellow and blue bands (required and purchased from Stevensons or Beat)
- White sports socks (required but not from a specific retailer)
- Trainers (required but not from a specific retailer)
- Boots and trainers are required for every lesson (required but not from a specific retailer)
- Thermal tops or ‘skins’ are advised to be worn underneath during cold weather (required but not from a specific retailer)
- A navy fleece top with the school crest is an optional addition (optional and purchased from Stevensons or Beat)
- During the summer term boys are advised to bring sun block and a cap.
Sixth Form Dress Code
- Students should ensure they are wearing smart, professional attire, which includes suits, trousers, dresses or appropriate skirts, collared shirts, ties, blouses, tailored shorts, sweaters and cultural or religious dress.
- Inappropriate attire (both clothing and footwear) includes sportswear and beachwear, as well as jeans, unkempt clothing and shoes.
- Please do not wear anything that could offend others or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Likewise, midriffs should not be exposed, nor should any transparent fabrics be worn.
- Your clothing should show common sense and professionalism. Please exercise good judgment.
- Sixth form Leavers’ Hoodies may be worn from the spring term of Year 13 only.
- Outdoor coats should be removed once inside the school building
- For practical lessons, students may need to bring in appropriate clothing to change into.
- Lanyards must be worn to ensure the safeguarding of all students.
Issues with 6th Form dress will be referred to the KS5 Leadership Team who will make final decisions regarding dress or the need to change.
Verulam Uniform Suppliers
Verulam branded uniform items can be purchased from Stevensons and Beat School Uniform Limited. Only three branded items are required – blazer, House tie, PE top. Please see our uniform guidelines here for more details.
The PTA also run a second-hand uniform shop which sells almost everything, including blazers and P.E. kit. There is a large amount of stock to choose from which is in very good condition. The sales happen four times a year on a Saturday morning but please keep an eye on emails from school with details of the next uniform sale.