FEED Appeal 2020
Verulam Students went above and beyond to support our FEED foodbank appeal this year.
Despite the difficulties surrounding collecting donations safely, students have risen to the challenge in providing a whole range of non-perishable goods to donate, all of which will be used to stock the food bank and help those who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
Co-ordinated by the Year 11 house captains, students delivered over 4,600 items to the charitable cause.
Geoff Sutton, who co-ordinates the school’s FEED project, said: “Every year, students from Verulam School excel at collecting items for FEED, and this year was no different.
“Thank you to all those who contributed to the 4,630 items given to FEED. Each donation is vital for helping many people in our community who are in need of a bit of support.”
Our school community further supported FEED through monetary donations and the purchase of wristbands as part of our Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication in October. At the service, students heard of the realities of food shortages, with Head Girl, Charlotte Conium, giving a passionate speech about the importance of the appeal and the impact the school’s efforts will have for families in need locally.