Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying Week 2019 is happening from Monday 11th November – Friday 15th November 2019 and it has the theme ‘Change Starts With Us’.
Throughout the week we will running a number of activities to raise awareness across the school. Bullying is a issue which affects young people and adults in all aspects of life. At Verulam we take bullying very seriously and deal with issues as soon as they are brought to our attention. We also aim to seek out bullying which has not been reported. This is done through the ’10×2′ aspect of our tutorial programme, PSHCE lessons and the monitoring staff do in corridors and during break and lunchtimes to name just three.
The attached poster advises students and parents to contact their Head of Year if they have any concerns about Bullying. I would like to stress that it is important we hear as soon as an incident is reported to parents as there incidents rarely ‘sort themselves out’.
If you would like further information or advice, the link below is a good starting place.