Head’s News – 3rd April
Dear Parents, Carers & Pupils,
I hope you are all beginning to adjust to the new realities of life without school. I know teachers have found it very difficult and miss their daily interactions with students and each other. This will be the last Verulam Voice this term but we will be in contact over the Easter break if there is any urgent news or important developments.
I am privileged to be in school next week for the Easter holiday opening for Key Workers’ children and we will endeavour to make things as stimulating and fun as possible. Parents may not have seen that Verulam featured in this week’s on-line edition of the Herts Ad. The link is below:
I regret that we have taken the decision to cancel all events and trips that were scheduled for the summer term. In many cases this has been decided by the operators themselves who are closing until the end of July. However, we are currently investigating the possibility of re-arranging both the Lakes and Blue Peris trips for Years 7 and 9 respectively, next academic year. We will be in contact regarding refunds for other trips during the summer term.
Year 11 and 13 Trial Examination Results
These will be published on my Child at School this afternoon on Friday 3rd April.
Year 10 GCSE English Literature results are currently being moderated and will be released after Easter.
Trial Examination Results and Calculated Grades
We would request that you do not contact teachers, heads of subject or senior leadership in relation to your child’s trial examination or predicted grades as this is vital to the integrity of the system.
However, please be assured that we have your child’s best interests at heart and will ensure a robust, fair and equitable approach is followed by all staff, with further scrutiny from our school leadership team before reaching any final decisions.
Public Examinations 2020 – Centre Assessment Grades
The government has released information to schools, students and parents on how qualifications will be graded and awarded in summer 2020. The link to
this information can be found below:
We will be writing to all parents, carers and students regarding this information this afternoon.
I look forward to welcoming all students to the start of the summer term with an assembly on Show My Homework on Monday 20th April. I would also like to wish all students and parents a peaceful and
healthy Easter.
HM Commendations:
- Gabriel Grundy for his hard work and dedication to GCSE History
- Gregory Pomeroy, Year 10 and James Wells Year 9 for their efforts in Maths.
- Rocco Tuffnell in 10J for his hard work in English.