DofE Gold Award
Once you hit 16 you can do your Gold Award. The pinnacle of the award sees our students undertake the most rewarding and challenging experiences there is to offer.
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In previous years expeditions have visited New Zealand, Morocco, Norway, Iceland and Corsica and this year sees us tackle Slovenia. Your Gold Award will take at least 12 months if you’ve achieved your Silver Award, or 18 months if you’ve started at Gold level without doing your Silver – even if you’ve done Bronze. The big difference at Gold is you’ll also do a Residential section – staying away from home for five days and four nights doing a shared activity with people you don’t know.
Volunteering section: 12 months
Physical and Skills sections: One section for 12 months and the other section for 6 months
Expedition section: 4 days/3 nights
Residential section: Undertake a shared activity in a residential setting away from home for 5 days and 4 nights.
If you didn’t do Silver, you must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections.