Bring Your Own Device update
The “Bring Your Own Device” scheme which started this year is proving incredibly successful and popular with students and teachers alike.
Students are using their devices to enhance learning in and out of the classroom in a variety of innovative ways. Students might use their device to take part in an interactive quiz during a lesson, to perform independent research as part of an ongoing project or to access fun and interactive applications to enrich their subject knowledge. The range of uses is ever-increasing as teachers share good practice and creative resources. Students report that having their devices helps them engage well in their learning and work at their own pace in a more efficient way.
BYOD ambassadors for each form support their peers and help further develop the scheme. A tech support drop-in session has now started to run every Wednesday lunchtime so that students can be assisted directly with any issues.
As a reward for meeting the expectations around the use of devices in classrooms, a gaming club has started on a Friday lunchtime to give boys a safe space to use their devices for non-curricular activities.
Ms. F Rosler, Director of Teaching & Learning and Head of Mathematics who is leading the scheme says “It has been fantastic to see such a positive response to this initiative from students, staff, and parents. I have been incredibly impressed with the creativity of our staff and have enjoyed seeing students so engaged in their lessons. Our BYOD ambassadors are taking their role very seriously and have given some useful feedback so that we can continue to go from strength to strength this year.
 What students are saying:
- Â It just make it easy because you can go at your own pace
- Â My favourite lesson to use my device is in art as you can search for the artwork and look at it in more detail
- Â It makes work fun
- I enjoy using Quizlet live as we can compete against each other
- I like using it for maths because it is so efficient