Head’s News 4th Oct 2019
Successful Open Day
I would like to thank all those pupils, parents and staff who contributed to such a successful open day last Saturday. All the feedback we received was very positive about the school and was highly complimentary about our pupils.
We are continuing to host tours for prospective parents every morning until 18th October.
Some parents are concerned that they will not gain admission unless they live close to the school. I would be grateful if parents could dispel this myth to any friends or family who are applying. Verulam welcomes applications from pupils as far afield as Harpenden, Radlett, Redbourn, Hatfield, Welwyn and even some pupils from the wilds of Watford!
Reading Group – An open invitation
All parents are invited to join our informal and social reading group which meets every half term to discuss a book selected by its members. It would be particularly pleased to welcome new parents from this year’s Year 7. The next meeting will be on Thursday 24th October at 7pm.
We normally discuss only one novel, but this month we are discussing:
- The Testaments by Margaret Atwood – this is the brilliant follow up to Margaret Atwood’s dystopian Handmaid’s Tale which many parents will be familiar with. If you don’t have time to read it, it is currently being serialised on Radio 4 every lunchtime.
- In Xanadu: A Quest by William Dalrymple is a fantastic travel story about a young man’s journey across Central Asia to China.
Private Tutor guidance
I have sent a parentmail to all parents regarding private tutoring which is increasingly popular. I would advise all parents to read the letter with care before employing any private tutor as the advice contained relates both to safety and also to maximising outcomes for students.
Attendance and Holidays
I have recently received a number of requests for holidays during term time. These are normally refused as school policy dictates that such absence can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Our aim as a school is to achieve 97% attendance as this is the most significant factor in raising achievement.
Uniform reminder
The overall standard of uniform this term continues to be high. However, as the weather becomes more inclement, can I remind parents that hoodies are not permitted in school.
Drama Club
I was most impressed by Ms Parker’s drama club on Wednesday evening. Year 7 and 8 pupils interested in drama can join her at 3.30pm on Wednesday after school.
Headmaster’s commendations
This week’s commendations go to the following students for their outstanding contribution to Open Day:
James Lynch, Harrison Yasotharan, Iris Shakespeare, Myles O’Connor, Aidan Chester, Ben Hawker, Owen Caminsky and Luyanda Tshuma.
Thank you for being great ambassadors for the school.
P A Ramsey