Head’s News – 3rd July
Return to School in September
I am pleased that the government published their guidance for the full opening of schools in September yesterday. We are undertaking detailed planning to ensure that we can deliver a broad and balanced curriculum whilst ensuring the safety of students and staff.
We hope to publish our plans before the end of term. We will also publish a full risk assessment in August.
I have summarised the key elements of their guidance below:
- All students are expected to return to school
- Minimise the number of contacts that a student has during the school day.
- Carry out full health and safety risk assessments.
- Reducing contact by:
- grouping children together
- avoiding contact between groups
- forward facing classrooms
- whilst staff maintain distance from students and other staff
- Ensure regular hand cleaning and enhanced
cleaning - Aim to keep movement around the school to a minimum and maintain social distancing where possible
- Avoid large gatherings such as assemblies.
- Update behaviour policy to take into account rules needed for the changes.
- Focus on pastoral care/mental health.
- Prepare high quality remote learning in case of further lockdown
- Follow government guidance in the event of an outbreak of disease.
The guidance means that there will be some changes to the way the school operates and to interaction in the classroom. However, our experience of teaching Years 10 and 12 this term has given us good preparation for meeting these challenges. In September we will aim to ensure that your son or daughter continues on his or her journey towards:
Excellence: Academic, Cultural and Sporting
Character: Collaboration, Resilience and Kindness
Respect: For Oneself and for Others
A link to the Government’s guidance is below:
YCH Young People’s Survey 2020
YCH are undertaking a survey with young people about their experience of Covid-19- lockdown; they would appreciate our help in promoting it to our stu- dents and parents.
Here is the link to the survey page: https://www.ychertfordshire.org/about-yc-hertfordshire/news/young-people-s-survey-tell-us-how-the-covid-19-lockdown-has-affected-you/
Headmaster’s Commendations
This week’s HM commendations go to:
Myles O’Connor, Alex Johnstone, Harvey Simmons, Cameron Dunn and Charlie McDonald who have all worked really well in RE during lockdown and are an example to others for their efforts.
Jonny Wilding, Luke Ahmed, Greg Pomeroy, and Vinny Clark for consistently delivering work to a very high standard.
Jean Esterhuysen, Charlie Taylor, Hirad Nisari, Elliot Johnson and Rudy Ashenden for their continued outstanding work, focus and dedication to RS. I look forward to getting their work each week because they never fail to impress.